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Tarot for a World Beyond Binaries


The Tarot is a powerful tool for self-discovery, empowerment, and healing, but its traditional binary framework can be a barrier for many people who don’t fall easily into mainstream society’s prescribed roles. Grounded in Tarot tradition but updated for an inclusive modern world, this guidebook expands the cards beyond binary notions like gender roles and makes room for the full spectrum of human emotion, identity, and experience. Written by queer and nonbinary Tarot reader and teacher Charlie Claire Burgess (they/them), this guide is the companion to the Fifth Spirit Tarot. While rooted in the deck, the thorough card interpretations can be applied to reading any standard Tarot deck from a queer and inclusive perspective. With 13 original Tarot spreads, suggestions for queering your Tarot practice, and sections on the history and system of Tarot, this is an accessible guide for anyone who wants to read Tarot in a way that embraces the full spectrum of their vibrant truth. 


The Fifth Spirit Tarot deck is sold separately. Buy it here.



- 202 pages

- 5x8 paperback

- matte finish cover

- black & white interior

- printed in the United States


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