Hello loves! Here’s a little spread I put together for guiding my own intention-setting for the new year. I’ve never been big on resolutions, but intentionally selecting a tarot card to call in for the next year? Fuck yes.
The card you select for position 1 might be your numerological year card, or it might be one you feel called to work with in the coming year. For me, my numerological year card for 2020 is Temperance (thank goddex—buh-bye Death!), but I’ll be choosing to compliment that energy with The Star in my intention-setting tonight.
Huge things are happening right now, friends. We’re sandwiched between two ass-kicking eclipses, approaching the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, and going into a new decade, to name a few. This transition into 2020 is a portal like no other.
Whether you’re observing today as your year transition or not, remember to treat yourselves well, my loves. The world needs you.